And then we have social..
Here we will cover what involves us and the people around us.
Some people may say,
'Oh I don't need other people, I'm fine by myself, the less people I speak to the better'.
You've probably heard this before, or maybe you were the one saying it,
But you see the problem is, us people are social creatures, we were made to live together,
It's literally in the hierarchy of things we need to be happy,
Think of tribes, some people cook the food, some people go fish or hunt, some people grow crops, they're all working together so the community functions properly,
I know the word's kinda overused, but that's team work,
And it's the same for us, who live in more advanced times,
We need others to survive, and they need us,
Nowadays everyone sort of lives together but apart at the same time,
Think back to the time of your grandpa, they used to be closer to one another,
They used to be comfortable speaking to the person next to them,
Now we sort of live in a fight or flight state with people,
We see them as threats, but most of them aren't,
They're just people like us making they're way through life.
In this section we'll discuss topics relating to people and our relationships with others,
Think about this, your quality of life will be directly proportional to how well you handle people,
Most of the things we do are with other people so we're limiting ourselves a lot if we eliminate that part of living.
And besides, doing things with other people is better anyway BUT it has to be good company, if it's not you're better on your own.
I usually go and train early in the morning, alone, just me and the ball, and it's nice don't get me wrong but I've always had a better time when someone came with me, maybe it's my sister, or the whole family, or a friend,
Things are better shared,
Experiences are better with others,
Don't be that antosocial lone wolf type of person,
People just find it strange, and you're not impressing anyone,
Now I say this, I'm an introvert, I'm quiet for most of the time,
But what I'm saying is,
You don't have to hate people or dislike speaking to them,
We are meant to live together,
You do your thing, I do mine,
We don't need to step on each other's toes,
As I've gotten more comfortable speaking to people it's only made my life experience better,
We're not meant to live in a state where we are worried about whether the people around us are friend or foe, we live in a community,
Now I get it, some communities are closer than others,
I can speak from my experience, I spent some time in Italy, and the people there are so nice, you'd literally be on a walk or looking in a museum or something and they'll tell you 'Hi' or 'Good day' or just start up a conversation with you, it's like they're friends with everyone and found it kinda strange cause where I'm from we do things differently but I also liked it and then I had a realisation that that's how we are meant to live.
I like their philosophy there, they say to treat everyone like your friend until they give you a reason not to, if so screw them.
It's respect for others AND also respect for yourself, cause if you don't even respect yourself enough to cut someone off whose a scum then how do you expect others to respect you?
Posture and Body Language; They way you treat and present yourself will reflect the way others treat you
Social Skils and People Skills; These skills are learned through practice and exposure, things like leadership and team work are learned, what works on one person may not work on another.
Respect, Morals and Values; What you are is a result of what you believe. But do you give importance to the right things?
Social Media; The way it impacts our expectations and perception of what is normal and right. Think about it, when have you ever seen someone's story and youleft a happier person? Probably rarely right?
We, as humans are social creatures, we are meant to live together harmoniously, there's no need to dislike anyone you've never met, you don't know enough about them to form an opinion. Treat everyone with dignity but also keep your boundaries, treat yourself like an important person, you have to be selfish in certain ways.
And also remember that the other person is imperfect just like you, they do good things and bad things, they mess up and may do things that anger you, you don't know what they're going through and it's the same for them, sometimes they mean you no harm and are just trying to protect themselves, people are just trying to get by.