The Secret of The Successful

The Secret? What Secret??

I'm surprised I don't hear many people speak of this cause it's pure gold.

It's a quality, a trait every successful person you know or have heard of used to get to where he is.

I like to call it a Success Secret cause that's exactly what it feels like to know this,

It feels like you're holding a secret that no longer makes it so that you feel like you're swimming against the current.

Well, I have nothing to hide so I have no shame in sharing it with you today.

Think of millionaires, big entrepreneurs, athletes, famous celebrities.

What do these people have in common?

Or more appropriately, what is it that makes them so great?

Is it something they do

Or is it something that they DON'T?

That's exactly what I mean.

Let me explain.

Sometimes It’s Not About What You Do

That's the thing,

All the time people are looking at what they should DO,

Rather than looking at what they SHOULDN'T,

Don't let things hold you back quote

Think about those people I told you about,

What do you think got them to where they are today?

Let's dive into the mind of a millionare for a bit,

What do you think the mindset of a millionaire is like?

How does he think?

How did he become a millionaire?

Do you think he only focused on the actions he should take?

Or do you think he also thought about the actions preventing him from getting to his destination.

If you're driving on a road with a big rock tied to that back of your car, imagine it dragging on the ground how much longer it's going to take you to get to where you're going cause the rock's slowing you down, the smart thing to do is let go of the rock and your car will suddenly feel a lot lighter.

And it's the same in life,

We need to remove the things that hold us back,

The things on our shoulders weighing us down.

I'm not saying to forget doing the good stuff, not at all

But I'm saying that we will get a big return on investment if we focus on removing stuff as well

The Attention Economy

The more time passes, the more technology advances, the more people want your attention,

That's why they're starting to call it the attention economy,

Cause your attention is very valuable,

We are surrounded by distractions, nowadays more than ever before, and where you put your attention will result in what you become.

Dwayne Johnson summed it up best;

Dwayne Johnson focus quote

The quote says in the most direct way possible that what you focus on, what you put attention into will grow,

When you focus on something you give it energy, that energy will magnify it, whether it be a good thing or a bad thing it works in equally the same way

Have you ever been outside shopping, running errands or going for a walk and felt like someone is staring at you? Well it kinda works in the same way, when eyes are on you i.e. attention you will literally feel something, like a pressure or some a level of anxiety to find out where it's coming from, it's a powerful thing.

The same happens with other aspects of our lives.

What you focus on grows, so you have to focus on the right things

Speaking on focusing on the right things the next section will teach you how to do that better.

The Successful Man Has Said No More Times Than Anyone Else

So, we already spoke about removing the bad things for a higher return on investment on our effort, we also spoke about where focus goes energy flows, now I'm going to tell you how to tie it together like the successful man does.

This is something critical to your success,

It's the ability to say no,

But not just to requests and people,

Even to things,

Things that don't help push you forward must go

Ideally yesterday.

You see bro, things that hold you down and act as obstacles will either:

1. Slow you down from getting to your goals

2. Prevent you from ever getting there

Things holding you back

You must be aggressive with this, take this seriously,


Remember the last section?

These are things which take away energy that could have gone into useful sources,

And just how we spoke about, the more energy you put in the more it grows, so your goals are not growing at the rate that they could be, BECAUSE of these things.

Eliminating everything that is not in favor of your goals will only leave things to focus on that can push you forward,

So all energy used will be in moving towards your goals and purpose.

Path with obstacles

These things are obstacles,

The meaning of obstacles is 'A thing that blocks one's way or prevents or hinders progress' and that's exactly what these are

I get so fired up about this cause I see so many (myself included, although I'm working on it) people do the good things only for them to be ruined or have minimal impact because of other things that they do.

If only the other things weren't there than the effect of the good things would be a 6/10 rather than a 3/10.

Bro life is already hard enough, don't make it harder by sabotaging your hard work.